Sunday (日) | May 5, 2024 | North Van (北溫) The Shipyards

Cultural market, exhibitions, cultural booths, games, programs, performances | 市集、展覽、文化、遊戲、節目、表演

Tickets required  |  憑票入場

General event entry: free | 一般活動:免費
HKer cultural market entry: $3 | 文創市集入場費:$3 
(Don't wait! Limited on-site tickets with waitlist|唔好等喇!當日市集只有限量門票發售,仲要經候補)

Register here to become a VanHKFair volunteer! 


You can also participate in our events and programs or volunteer your time. Follow our social media below to learn more:


#VanHKFair's features this year 今年市集精彩內容

Hong Konger Cultural Market 文創市集

Cultural Exhibitions 展覽

Interactive Cultural Activities 互動文化活動

Performances, food and community

Documentary Screening 紀錄片放映會

Date 日期: May 18, 2024 (Saturday 星期六)
Time 時間: 1:00PM - 2:45PM
Location 地點: The Cinematheque - 1131 Howe Street, Vancouver

Super convenient location | 超級方便嘅位置

One SeaBus away from downtown Vancouver | 溫哥華市中心搭SeaBus就到

#VanHKFair is organized and funded by HK House


Community Sponsors

Culinary Partners

Content Partners

關於我哋 About HK House


We’re HK House – a volunteer collective of Hong Kong diaspora and friends from Vancouver. Our mission is to actively support and enhance Hong Kong culture in Vancouver through cultivating a community of Hong Kong diaspora and friends. In the past, we've hosted community events such as BBQ, holiday parties, hiking, neighbourhood cleanups, movie screening and regular mingling! We look forward to building a community together with all of you!