VR HKulture
Motive Force 原動力

HK House joins hands with Motive Force, a Hong Konger-owned tech company recently set their foot in Vancouver, and brings the latest immersive experience to this year’s HK Fair. With a simple VR wristband, you will enter the captivating experience of Hong Kong traditional rituals including lion and fire dragon dances, bun scrambling contest and dragon boat race.

香港屋團隊同由香港嚟大溫成立分公司嘅 Motive Force 攜手帶嚟 VR 沉浸式虛擬實境體驗,只要套上虛擬體驗手帶,即刻可以投入地道港式傳統習俗體驗,包括舞獅較勁、龍舟競渡、搶包山同埋舞火龍!

About 關於

Motive Force Tech Canada Corp. established its presence in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 2022, focusing on developing core software and technology applications for immersive virtual reality systems. Our brand, Vircube 1:1, offers highly immersive XR extended reality systems that closely mimic reality, allowing users to experience virtual environments without leaving their homes. Our team brings together expertise in hardware and software development, content creation, production, business development, and marketing, committed to interdisciplinary exploratory learning and simulated life training experiences, leading the way in XR applications for education, agetech, and healthcare fields.

原動力科技有限公司於2022年正式進駐加拿大卑詩省溫哥華,專注於研發沉浸式虛擬實境系統核心軟體及技術應用。我們的品牌Vircube 1:1提供高度貼近現實的沉浸式XR延展實境系統,讓使用者即使足不出戶也能親臨其境。我們團隊匯聚了軟硬體開發、內容製作、生產、業務發展與行銷等多方面的專業人才,致力於跨領域的探索式學習與模擬生活訓練體驗,成為教育、樂齡科技及醫護領域的XR應用領航者。