Tai Sin Fortune Sticks experience

Fortune sticks is a fortune-telling method using bamboo sticks. Traditionally, Taoists believe that we could communicate with Gods through fortune sticks. The process involves shaking the bamboo container of sticks until the destined one falls out. A poem is dedicated to each stick which forecasts the future of the worshippers or suggests a solution.

Wong Tai Sin Temple is one of the most famous destinations in Hong Kong for seeking fortune sticks. Many seek the advice from the Gods through fortune sticks in times of trouble or confused state. Need some directions? Look no further and experience the unbelievable power of the sticks at this year’s HK Fair!


而黃大仙就係香港最著名求籤嘅祠廟之一。好多人喺人生交叉點或者迷惘嘅時候,都有去求籤嘅習慣。唔使入廟嘅,嚟香港人市集就可以去「黃大仙求支籤」 體驗吓喇。