Face Painting
Emily, Jamie & Haidy

Who doesn’t love face painting? Join in the fun at HK Fair and choose a Hong Kong-inspired stencil or pattern created by our talented Hong Konger artists, Emily, Jamie and Haidy. There are other patterns to choose from and it’s up to you to have them on your face or other parts of your body. 

香港人市集咁大型嘅節慶梗係有面部彩繪啦!才華洋溢嘅港人藝術家 Emily, Jamie 同Haidy為市集設計咗一系列充滿香港特色嘅彩繪圖案,等大家全程投入一年一度專屬香港人嘅盛事。到時仲有其他種類嘅圖案畀你揀,畫喺面定係手腳由你話事!

About 關於

Emily Lau is a self-taught acrylic painting artist, originally from Hong Kong, now residing in Richmond. In 2017, she started making a lot of paintings and have been greatly involved in the local art community. Since then, her paintings have been exhibited in local restaurants, art galleries, and public art displays around the city. In 2019, she was 1 of the 10 selected ambassadors for BC Culture Days.

Emily Lau 是一位自學的畫家,香港長大,現居溫哥華。2017年她開始創作大量畫作,積極參與本地藝術界。畫作開始在本地的餐廳、美術館、和城市中不同角落展出。2019 年她被選中為BC 省內十位文化大使中的其中一位。

Vancouver-based makeup artist Jamie Tsui, originally from Hong Kong, is passionate about the transformative power of makeup.  She honed her skills at the Blanche McDonald Centre, graduating with honors. Committed to making everyone feel beautiful, she uses makeup to boost confidence and radiance, from subtle touch-ups to glamorous makeovers.

Jamie 係香港長大,2021年回流溫哥華定居。自大學時期開始,Jamie 就對化妝產生了濃厚興趣,經過多年嘅自學同練習,雖然可以輕鬆咁為自己化精緻妝容,但作為一位化妝L(over),佢並未因此感到滿足。佢認為要俾更多人感受到化妝的魅力,於是在 2023 年入讀溫哥華著名嘅化妝學校 Blanche McDonald Centre,並以優秀嘅成績榮譽畢業,正式從一位化妝L 進化成為一位化妝師!Jamie 最想做嘅就係通過佢雙手,讓每一位客人展現出充滿自信和魅力嘅模樣。 

In 2002, Miss Haidy founded a chain of children's educational centers in Hong Kong, expanding to Kuala Lumpur and Taipei. In 2021, she retired her Hong Kong operations and relocated to Vancouver, where she launched Tutoras, an international online learning platform for kids. Haidy is also an illustrator, often sketching and painting around the Greater Vancouver area.

Miss Haidy於2002年於香港創立某連鎖兒童教育中心,於香港、吉隆坡和台北均有分校網絡。2021年結束香港區業務並移居溫哥華,同時成立國際化網上兒童學習平台Tutoras。Haidy亦是插畫家,不時游走大溫地區寫生作畫。