From Hong Kong to Canada Since 1885
Chinatown Storytelling Centre 華埠掌故館

The latest study by Chinatown Storytelling Centre revealed that, in the history of Chinese immigration to Canada from the mid-19th century to the early 20th century, Hong Kong played a pivotal role. The study unveils for the first time that between 1885 and 1949, more than 60% of Chinese immigrants’ last place of residence was Hong Kong, confirming the fact that Hong Kong has become an important hub for Chinese to migrate to Western countries since the mid-19th century. This exhibition will be displaying a number of Hong Kong-related cultural artifacts found in Vancouver, including a Cantonese opera costume made in Hong Kong, products from Hong Kong’s 135-year-old winery, Hong Kong’s early Chinese literature, remittance receipts from Vancouver to Hong Kong, etc., all of which is evidence that Canada and Hong Kong have been in contact for a very long time.

溫哥華華埠掌故館最新的研究發現,在十九世紀中葉後至二十世紀初的華人移民加拿大歷史中,香港擔當了一個舉足輕重的角色。研究首次揭示在1885年至1949年間,超過六成華人移民的最後居住地為香港,印證了香港在十九世紀中葉開始,已成為華人移民至西方國家重要樞紐的事實。 華埠掌故館是次的小型展覽,亦會展示一批在溫哥華找到的、與香港相關的文物,包括香港製造的粵劇戲服、香港逾135年老酒莊的出品、香港的三及第文學、溫哥華至香港的匯款收據等,顯示加拿大與香港很早已經有聯繫。