Hong Kongers’ Open Stage


表演時間Performance time

Performer unit


1:00 pm

Hidden Gem Dance Studio

點解佢哋叫做Hidden Gem Dance Studio?靈感係學生嘅真實感受 – 覺得喺到學跳舞從來都冇壓力,仲有不停得到鼓勵,搵到呢個地方就好似發現到隱藏嘅寶石咁,簡直係「執到寶」。佢哋提供好多唔同種類嘅課程,有KPOP,Jazz Funk,當然有香港人最撐嘅廣東歌CantonPOP。事不宜遲,我哋一齊睇下呢班寶石閃爆舞台。

Hidden Gem Dance Studio. Ever wonder where our name comes from? It's a testament to our students' feedback— they see our studio as a rare find, a place where comfort and encouragement abound, like discovering a hidden gem. Offering diverse classes for all ages in styles from KPOP to Jazz Funk, including the beloved CantoPOP, we're excited to reintroduce it to our local dance scene. Today, let's celebrate our Gems as they take the stage and shine bright.

1:30 pm


Shinlok,來自香港的創作歌手,現居溫哥華。 透過他的音樂,他分享了自己的個人感受、故事和想法,讓聽眾真實地了解他的個人和創作過程, 就像音樂日記一樣。

每首歌曲都是衷心的表達Shinlok 作為個人身份和自身的演變。

Shinlok, a singer-songwriter originating from Hong Kong and currently residing in Vancouver. Through his musical diary, Shinlok shares his personal feelings, stories, and thoughts, offering listeners a genuine and laid-back glimpse into his life and creative process. 

Each tune serves as a heartfelt expression, capturing the essence of Shinlok's identity and evolution as an artist and individual.

2:00 pm



2:30 pm

感嘆號 Sign

White E

結他Guitar /
低音結他 Bass:


琴Keyboard: Nicolas 

後備結他/攝影師Back-up guitar / Photographer: Matt


Embark on an unforgettable musical voyage with @Sign as we navigate the highs and lows of our journey right here in Vancouver. From our wide-eyed wonder at the first sight of snow to the awe-inspiring beauty of cherry blossoms, every moment has been met with exclamation! Though the rollercoaster of emotions can be exhausting, we invite you to revel in the adventure alongside us. Join us aboard this musical cruise and let's set sail together, creating unforgettable memories through the power of music!

3:00 pm


我叫 Venus,今年23歲,我係多倫多出世香港大,中學畢業之後就黎左溫哥華讀大學,然後而家係呢邊做緊小學老師。由細到大我都好鍾意唱歌所以有時會參加表演都同埋約friend去唱K。

My name is Venus, and I’m 23 years old. I was born in Toronto, and I grew up in Hong Kong. After graduating high school, I moved to Vancouver for university and I’m currently working as an elementary school teacher. Growing up, I’ve always enjoyed singing, so I go to karaoke with friends and perform at events occasionally.

3:30 pm

Brianne Chan

Kaili Che

Brianne 陳羨宜 is an emerging dancer and choreographer based in “Vancouver”. Brianne reinforces the belief that creativity knows no bounds, and she remains inspired by the human experience. With an open mind and a willingness to explore, she takes risks, embraces experimentation, and welcomes the unknown.

Kaili Che 謝祖弘, an interdisciplinary artist and movement educator, based on the unceded lands of the Coast Salish Peoples (Vancouver) and in Moh’kins’tsis, Treaty 7 Territory (Calgary). Her art is shaped by values of vulnerability, curiosity, play, and collaboration, while advocating for safer spaces, anti-oppressive practices and Disability Justice.

4:00 pm

Mei Kwan & Ambrose

Mei Kwan: 廣東歌如土地的根一樣,長進我的身體內,無論走到哪裡,看不見的根仍然存在。

Ambrose: A Hong Kong Pianist in Vancouver🎼 在加國🇨🇦不忘廣東歌的香港人🇭🇰

4:30 pm

Vincent the Mentalist 


Vincent是北美最受歡迎的表演者之一他獨特的占星術結合驚嘆的魔法 令他走遍加拿大和全球九個國家。
多年來 他贏得了無數國家和國際魔術獎項 創辦了自己的魔法劇場 並在全球各地持續演出。
他廣泛的演出經歷包括電視台 電台 商業及私人派對和劇場 他具有超凡“破冰”的能力 讓每個人都能在他的表演中盡情享受。
他幽默的表達方式加上他親切的個性 使他成為當今北美最受追捧的企業和派對表演者之一。

Vincent is one of the most in demand entertainers in North America today! His unique blend of astrology mixed with mind blowing magic has taken him all across Canada and over 9 countries worldwide.
Over the years he has won numerous national and international awards for magic, launched his own magical theatre, and continues to perform all over the world.
Vincent’s extensive performance resume includes radio, trade shows, corporate events, comedy clubs, and theatres throughout Canada, USA and Asia. He has the exceptional ability to “break the ice” and allow everyone to enjoy themselves during his show.
His humour delivery coupled with his endearing personality makes him one of the most sought after corporate and party entertainers in North America today.

5:00 pm

Tony Choi featuring YY

Tony 是一名來自香港的全職結他導師,任教的地點包括通利琴行等。他熱衷於教學和表演。
Tony is a full-time guitar instructor from Hong Kong, teaching at locations such as Tom Lee Music. He is passionate about teaching and performing.

5:30 pm

604 Buskstop

成員 Members
Justin Luk
Agnes Yuen
Kelvin Leung
Aston Fong
Sam Hsiung
David Siu