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 尚未完場 To Be Continued

May 18, 2024 | Saturday 星期六 | The Cinematheque - 1131 Howe St

Directors: Dora Choi, Haider Kikabhoy | Subtitles: Chinese, English

Convenient, tired and vapid, ‘East-meets-West’ is a cliché that has for decades been used to sell the ‘Hong Kong story’ to the world. Yet in the forgotten legend of Harry Odell, Hong Kong’s first impresario, a rediscovery of the city’s soul awaits. 

Flamboyant and cigar-chomping, Odell was a Cairo-born, Shanghai-bred Russian Jew who stamped his mark on the cultural life of post-war Hong Kong. His hopeful, if chronically loss-making adventures pushed the cultural frontiers of his adopted home, capturing the open, dynamic and inclusive spirit of a bygone era to leave a legacy that resonates to this day.

What began as a grassroots conservation campaign to save the iconic State Theatre in Hong Kong morphed into five years of research and interviews with those who witnessed Odell in action. The result: a film that is as much a study of one indomitable pioneer as it is a soul-searching journey of what defines Hong Kong. 

導演: 徐岱靈、祁凱達 | 字幕: 中文、英文 


佢亦都係叱吒一時嘅娛樂大亨,係皇都戲院嘅前身 - 璇宮戲院嘅創辦人,五十年代戰後蕭條,係佢一手引入多個國際知名嘅音樂家,永遠叼着一口雪茄見報寫專欄,就算演藝事業虧損慘重,都願意為香港文化開闢新天地,被稱為「香港文化史前人物」。


等我哋為你呈獻歐德禮同香港嘅傳奇 — 尚未完場

To Be Continued_Trailer.mp4