sketchyKARR-tonese Mix-and-Match
KARR 窿對碰廣東話

Learn some quirky colloquial Cantonese words through a fun matching game! Don’t miss the humourous and cute illustrations by sketchykarr who loves promoting Cantonese culture, one phrase at a time.

廣東話博大精深,有時仲好鬼過癮!一齊嚟透過 sketchykarr 充滿玩味嘅插畫,一邊玩配對,一邊學返幾個絕核地道嘅廣東話啦!

About 關於

sketchykarr is an aspiring illustrator based in London, UK. Her work is influenced by her cross-cultural upbringing and her Hong Konger heritage. She uses humour to create cute, and sometimes crude, art to promote Cantonese culture and to discuss deeper societal issues.

sketchykarr係以英國倫敦為據點嘅才華洋溢嘅插畫家,間中涉獵塗鴉藝術創作。佢嘅作品旣受到跨文化成長背景嘅影響,又不失香港人嘅影子。sketchykarr 慣用幽默嘅手法去創造出雅俗共賞嘅作品,旨在推廣廣東話文化同埋討論一啲深層次嘅社會現象。