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About the fair 關於市集

The annual Vancouver Hong Kong Fair is the biggest Hong Konger cultural celebration in Canada, and the first of its kind. Featuring booths by Hong Konger artisans and small businesses, cultural exhibitions, performances, and a wide variety of events, the Vancouver Hong Kong Fair gathers the diasporic Hong Konger community, as well as anyone interested in learning more about Hong Kong, to celebrate and preserve Hong Kong’s unique culture. 


Expected attendance 預計人數

This year's fair will be at North Vancouver's Shipyards and the Pipe Shop Venue, making it the first year that we will also have outdoor cultural areas and an outdoor stage. We are expecting even greater numbers in attendance. 今年嘅市集將喺北溫哥華嘅Shipyards同Pipe Shop Venue舉行,亦係我哋第一次有埋喺外嘅文化區域同舞台,所以預計參與人數會更加多。

What will be at the fair this year 今年市集內容